mia kinsch
Born 1995 in Luxembourg.
Lives and works in Brussels, Belgium.
2020 Année préparatoire en narration graphique, ESA Sint Lucas Brussels
2015-2019 BA Arts Plastiques, Visuels et de l’espace (graphisme), ESA Sint Lucas Brussels, Belgium
2021 “Ex-Po”, Reservoir, Brussels, Germany
2019 Exhibition of the book “Anonymes”, Paper Factory, Brussels and at Joli, Brussels, Belgium

“I paint portraits of people. My work is spontaneous, I observe people and imagine what their story might be, what they might be feeling or thinking about and I put it in my works. I like to paint blank faces and express emotions through bold colours and organic shapes. Nudity is a big part of my work, I am particularly interested in exploring the taboo of the naked chest.”
exhibited works

La flemme, 2021
70 x 80 cm,
Acrylic and posca-pen on canvas

Off your feet, 2020,
70 x 90 cm,
Acrylic and posca-pen on canvas

Fabs!, 2021,
100 x 80 cm,
Acrylic on canvas

Nu 2, 2020
60 x 70 cm,
Acrylic on canvas